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West Wing Credit Fund I invests in a curated selection of six to nine top tier private debt funds:

Mid-market focused

We are convinced that mid-market focused funds profit from more lender friendly terms & conditions, covenants, less competition, higher yield potentials, stronger illiquidity premiums, lower leverage and higher spreads, all while having a closer relationship to shareholders and management. 

Diversification across strategies

Target funds will be active in (i) senior secured lending, (ii)
subordinated credit and (iii) strategic lending. Different strategies in private debt funds offer varying risk and return profiles. By investing across multiple strategies, we aim to customize the risk exposure of the fund and target a desired risk-return balance.

Geographical diversification

Aiming for a 50/50 exposure USA and Europe, with maybe a
small allocation to emerging markets.


Fund Selection Process

West Wing Credit uses a rigorous selection process, focusing on the stability of the investment
teams, good reputations, strong dealflow, strong track records, low loss ratios combined with agile
restructuring capabilities. We look for funds offering the right combination between IRR and money
multiples. Private debt risk-return profiles vary across strategies. The West Wing Credit portfolio
targets a >10% net IRR.

Excluded: venture debt, real estate debt, infrastructure debt, first time funds.

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