Your premier access to private debt
Europe’s first fund of funds platform dedicated to private debt.
Founded by experienced private debt professionals, West Wing Credit provides investors access to this exciting new asset class through a selection of best-in-class credit funds.
Our diversified portfolio is comprised of top-tier EU and US debt funds, offering an appealing risk/return profile across the debt capital structure, focusing on
direct lending
senior secured lending
strategic credit in the mid-market segment

A cost effective Private Debt Fund of Funds,
investing 100-150mio in 6 to 9 top tier private credit funds
Targeting >10% annual net IRR and a periodic coupon
A fund of funds structure should be low-cost. We charge a management fee on committed capital minus distribution of principal amounts.

Don’t hesitate to reach out
West Wing Credit Fund SCSp
19-21, route d'Arlon
L-8009 Strassen
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Email: privatedebt@westwing.fund